- Look up to notice two year old approaching me with a total of over $1000 of camera and lens precariously gripped in one grubby paw.
-Freak momentarily and then decide the best approach is a quiet one.
-Say "oh, buddy. Um, can mommy have that back?"
-Hear sweet little voice say "mommy take grady's picture?"
-swell with love and pride. The child who hates the camera wants his picture made!
-gently pry expensive gear out of grubby paw.
-realize that I probably have like .2 seconds to actually take pictures before the novelty wears off.
-decide maybe I should go for one of the two of us, since I don't have many of those.
-scramble to find tripod.
-can't find tripod....ok, will have to get creative.
-look out back and realize the sun is coming from the front of the house.
-grab child and camera and tripod....no, wait, I can't find tripod.
-run upstairs and fling open the shades in the master bedroom, the only room in our house that gets light from the front.
-plop child on bed.
-fiddle with settings on camera to obtain decent exposure.
-look at dresser, decide it will do as a tripod.
-attempt to focus camera while squeezing self as close to dresser as possible.
-realize that child is jumping on the bed and focus is going to be hard to come by unless I literally climb onto the dresser and crouch atop it.
-consider climbing on dresser, but figure a broken dresser would not make husband happy.
-catch two year old who has flung himself, superman style, off the bed.
-press shutter.
-realize that I did not set camera to self timer.
-catch child again.
-set self timer. By this time, all thought of correct focus has gone out the window.
-wonder "where in the heck is the tripod?"
-press shutter.
-hop on bed with child and make the best of it.
-repeat previous two actions about 8 times
-decide this is really quite fun.
-obtain 6 out of focus, incorrectly composed, slightly overexposed, (did I mention out of focus?) images that are absolutely irreplaceable and dear to my heart because they are 6 of about 25 total (really) that I have with my son. Being the photographer means you're not in front of the camera much. 

Oh, and I just got an email that the show featuring Kelly and Becca (see yesterday's post) has been delayed by NBC. I will update again when it will air.