I am so in love with every image I open from this session. Now, I tell every family that I work with on the beach "just do your thing and try to ignore the fact that I am here." I get lots of skeptical looks when I say this, and the "T" family was no exception. However, they
just did it and oh....
I mean...
It shows.
I got so many artsy, outside the box, fabulous images because these folks were such great sports. Little "Z" was not so into me, in true 1 year old fashion, but when she did smile....talk about melting your heart. "J" was an awesome little model and I am probably going to hire her to come to sessions and show people how to give a natural, wonderful smile.
I have the best clients, and this family was top notch! Get ready for the overload.

Ah.....sunset silhouette