Monday, July 19, 2010

Modern day blue eyes.

Step aside Frank, there's a new cat in town!

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Seriously, my child is the biggest ham in the world. 5 years ago today I checked in to Bayfront medical Center in St. Petersburg, and at 12:42 pm my world changed forever. From the moment I first looked into my little boy's brilliant blue eyes I was irrevocably, completely, unconditionally smitten. Of course, I know every mom feels the way I do about her child, but for those of you who are not moms yet, I can't even put into words the adoration.

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My "monk". Is 5 going on 25 this year. It's going to be a big one, he's starting kindergarten in just over a month! A little about Grady, because he's super special.

-He was the crankiest baby EVER. No really. I am not even exaggerating. But right about 1 year old he turned into the sweetest, most well behaved toddler I have ever met. That continued until the age of three. Am I right moms, when I say 3 is the new 2?!?!

-He was talking in full out complete sentences at the age of 17 months. He used to freak people out by introoducing himself and asking for a snack. He's small anyway, so imagine this tiny little guy who looks like he'd still be on a bottle asking for a juice box. With proper manners.

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-He got his first tooth at nearly a year old and didn't walk until 15 months. He was a bit of a late bloomer on everything but the vocab! :)

-He's the sweetest little mother hen ever. I have lots of friends with little girls between the ages of 2-3 years old. He loves taking them under his wing and helping them learn and grow. While other boys his age are playing shoot-em-up games, he's perfectly content to sit and color for an hour with a friend. Seriously, he melts me.

-He loves veggies. He doesn't like fruit.

-He's really so so so good. Of course, every kid has their moments, but I realized recently that when he's bad it almost shocks me, because I just sort of expect him to be good. Even through the terrible 3's, he never once bit, hit, took someone else's toy or really even cared if someone snatched HIS toy right out of his hand.

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-He loves to learn. He's getting really good at easy math, and is on the cusp of reading on his own. My favorite moment from his birthday party this weekend was Grady, sitting in a pile of toys and unopened gifts, looking at a book. It's classic him.

-He has a new trick. Winking ;)

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This morning, I dropped him off at all day summer camp for the first time. He was a total pro and gave me a huge thumbs up when I turned to look back at him. It's still giving me a lump in my throat 5 hours later, and I am kind of sitting here counting down until I can go pick him up. Thank goodness I made it to the car before I cried.
Happy Birthday to my sweet little {BIG} boy. It's been the best 5 years ever, and I can't wait to see the awesome person you become.
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stacey said...

He is simply wonderful in every way. I am all teary seeing him like such a little man. Especially in the b&w of him standing... sniffle, sniffle. Stop growing up so fast G! That winking picture, just adorable! Happy birthday Grady.

Melissa said...

Happy birthday, sweet little man! Frank's got nuttin' on your baby blues!!

Cindy S. said...

Love, love, LOVE these!!!!! I'm planning to take Ian for his 5 year photo shoot soon and am planning something similar. Happy birthday Grady!!!!!!!

Lindsey {Bella Grace Party Designs} said...

I love everything about him!

Terra said...

Wow, it is crazy that he is 5! I will never forget meeting him and being stunned at him chattering away! I hope he had a special day and I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Totally brought tears to my eyes!! XOXO

Kori Clark Designs said...

My eyes are welled up just reading about heading to the hospital and all of the Grady-isms! It's a familiar feeling that you so sweetly put into words. I also love that he is so sweet with the girls, it warms the heart.

Judy said...

What a beauty. My grandson is, too. He's ten now and makes my heart sing.