Oh my soul. It's a little phrase I picked up when I went to college in Tennessee. And sometimes it comes out of my mouth, sweet southern belle accent and all. That was the case this morning, when I opened up P's one year session. To say I am in love with these images is an understatement. Is it odd for me to want to hang one in my house? Maybe not so much. Since I did baby P's six month session earlier this year her mama and I have become great friends, and so I love the whole family! Especially baby P. I mean, what's not to love?

She kept making this adorable little scrunchy nose face!

This one. Ahhhhhh. tutu cute. Mommy, this is the one I would put up at the big bash :) ALthough, it would also be amazing HUGE on canvas. If you don't I will. Seriously. The next time you come over it will be on my wall :)

This one of P and Daddy made me tear up. That's when "oh my soul" slipped out.

another "oh my soul" moment :)

Remember mommy, get 10 comments and it's a free 8x10, 20 is a free 11x14. (Yes, even my friends have to pay for sessions, it's the only way I have time to do them!)