Well, almost! But in celebration of the impending lazy days, I am proud to announce my summer special. Keep reading, especially if you have older children, because it includes the words HALF OFF.
I know many of you with kids in the older age set may not feel the need to have professional portraits done. Here's how it all goes down. You have a baby, it's cute and tiny and you want to remember every single second. That first year, you take 400,000 pictures, and also sign up for some kind of baby package with a photographer. Your house becomes a shrine.
Then little junior grows up a bit and you might get the yearly obligatory portraits made to send off to Grandma. By the time baby enters kindergarten, you are assaulted wuth picture offers. The school portrait, the sports portrait, dance class pictures, and the list goes on and on. Why would you want to book yet another portrait session? You have pictures.
Here's why. The pride of a first smile with adult teeth poking through. The way she scrunches up her nose when she laughs. That little boy confidence that is soon going to be replaced by teenage woes. A cute little outfit that by next year, she won't be caught dead in. A gigantic bear hug (the kind seven year old's are best at) caught on film. The fact that in only a few short years, he'll be off to college. The way your little girl changed into a pre-teen since just last Wednesday. This is it. That's why. Even the best sports photographer can't capture all of that. It's not what they're there to do.
So, for the summer months of June and July, I wll be celebrating big kids. This special applies to kids over four (and any younger siblings included in the session). I have sessions waiting to be booked now, and when you do, you will recieve HALF off the regular session fee of $50. You will also recieve a 15% discount on all orders from your session. Oh, and just a little insider knowledge, my session fee will probably go up a bit after August, so TAKE ADVANTAGE!
I am absolutely still booking sessions for younger kids as well, and because I love them too, all sessions booked for kids under four in the months of June and July will recieve a 10% discount on orders. These discounts will be applied ON TOP of any other volume discount you may qualify for, based on my current pricing.
Please email me at
courtneyvickersphotography@yahoo.com to book your sessions today. Limited spaces are available, and I already have a few sessions booked into July.